I haven't finished my series about Emma, but I feel an urge for an interlude of more romantic qualities now, since I celebrated the anniversary of my wedding the other day. So this is a text written entirely for romantic reasons about a romantic novel intended for a romantic husband to read:

I often re-read novels. I know some people find that stupid, life is filled to the brim with interesting new acquantainces and novels to read so why re-read novels?
I say that there is no end to the number of books worth reading and people worth knowing in this cruel, crazy, beautiful world, but I am not an infinite person and since I cannot read all good books in the world during my life time, and I'm not going to meet all interesting people in this world before I die, I might as well discover those I happen to have close by, much deeper.
One of the novels I get back to is Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, an intriguing mixture of Flaubertian realism and romanticism of the most heart breaking, windswept kind. The story of Cathy and Heathcliff, two orphaned and abused children who find comfort in each other's company on the wily moors of Yorkshire. None of them is amiable or charming, on the contrary, they are selfish and rude as are most of the characters in this breath taking novel.
One passage of the book that comes to my mind when I'm thinking about my marriage and husband is when Cathy says about Heathcliff :
”If all else perished and he remained I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he was annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it.[...] My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath — a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff – he's always, always in my mind – not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself – but as my own being — so, don't talk of our separation again.”
Although my husband is of great pleasure to me, all the rest fits in perfectly. We met each other when we both were young, we are «high school lovers», and we have shared the toils and tribulations of life together. When I look upon his dear face I see myself, or at least one part of me– the best one – at the same time as I see a person that I don't know half as well as I would wish to. I know there still remain depths to be discovered deep down below his lovely surface — «the eternal rocks beneath».
Kate Bush
Here is ” Wuthering Heights” with Kate Bush for you, husband, friend and lover (she dances like me, don't you agree?):
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